Plantar Fasciitis vs. Plantar Fasciosis - What's the Difference?
These are two terms that get thrown around frequently, yet sound similar, so what's the difference? 'Itis' is a term meaning inflammation while 'osis' is a term that means abnormal state. Like many conditions there is an acute phase and a chronic phase. More studies are suggesting that as time progresses (months) and the symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis persist, which most commonly include sharp heel pain and weight-bearing pain along bottom of the foot,

this chronic phase loses its inflammatory state and becomes Plantar Fasciosis. Corticosteroid injections fail to serve a purpose once this inflammatory state is lost. The collagen in the fascia starts to unravel and thicken, similar to one applying spackle to a hole in dry wall.
How do you fix this? This is a loaded question as other biomechanical, postural and compensatory adaptations need to be addressed, however the initiation and promotion of a controlled inflammatory state can start the healing process. We think of inflammation as a bad thing, however it also helps tissue heal and recover by bringing certain healing factors to the site. Certain soft tissue techniques have been shown to be very effective in treatment. Hogan Health & Chiropractic utilizes a variety of soft tissue techniques ranging from Graston, trigger point therapy and numerous taping techniques for these specific conditions.